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LEARNING THE EXPRESS WAY! We, the Hogwartsers strongly believe that the best education is the key to success. It is also our belief that time is diamond (more than gold), and it is the thing we lack most in our nowadays world. These, are the key beliefs of the Hogwarts School and the HogwartsNet. Thus, to achieve our attainment of both bringing out the best possible education as well as conserving time by utilising the least possible of it of the visitors of our website, we, the HogwartsNet, had finally developed, after countless nights of tireless deep thoughts and planning, the product that covers both our key beliefs. Therefore without further ado, we present you NOW with the
The revolutionary style!



◊ The New! Classroom Express - a Prologue

◊ general writing tips on stories and normal essays

◊ Story-making and plot composing techniques to spice up writing

◊ tips on Website designing, like HTML, javascpript etc.

◊ general articles on lots of areas



The New! Classroom Express - a Prologue

   Dear Witches and Wizards, be you young and gay, or old and bent - Welcome! We, the HogwartsNet sincerely welcome you all to this great place you'll remember for the rest of your lives, the HogwartsNet Education Express!

   Well, since we are on an 'express', we'll begin with express speed, without single minute ado. First, there's a point you should all know. Why are you here? Why was this  HogwartsNet made? Well, it may be due to a wide variety of reasons, but, the most important one is that it is for Harry Potter. But why? Because you and I like Harry Potter. We love reading it, thinking about it, it's like we're deeply absorbed and attracted, not only to Harry Potter, but also to that fantastic world, the heart-gripping happenings etc. in general, we fell in love with Harry Potter. but have you ever thought of why we really like Harry Potter? Why are we so freaked about it? Why do we practically kneel before this Harry Potter culture?  Well, to be a smart person, you'll need to have such critical thinking of the reason behind things. For this, after thinking, we all know - it's ms. Joanne Kathleen Rowling's superbly brilliantly magnificently marvellously splendid creativity and writing that drew us to Harry Potter.

   But then again, have you ever wondered of how she can be so successful and brilliant in both literarily and commercially? How does she write such a story that we all fell in love with it? How does she do it? Is it because she's too smart, or compared to her, we're too dumb? Nah. Nope. Not right. As Mr. Adam Khoo, one of Asia's most famous educator on success, had said, that in face, all of us have a brain which is more or less equal, and we have all, in fact, more or less the same level of intelligence. With this, a thought suddenly popped into our minds (if it didn't, then pop it manually!), if J.K.Rowling can do it, so why can't I? this illustrates that everyone of us, witches or wizards, muggleress of muggles, have the same potential and we can all become the next generation Rowlings if we want to.

   Actually, rationally thinking, Harry Potter isn't such a great thing after all. It's just a children's fiction story with just a above-average touch, and that's all. There is no need to 'immortalize or 'splendidize' it. After all, JKR's wrote it with a similar brain to ours! And with just a bit more of effort, passion and skills, ou can do almost anything, and of course procude as good books as hers, or even better!

    This, is the mision statement of The HogwartsNet edu-column. As success comes in 3 steps:- in believing you can do it by setting your goal, choosing and laerning the right skills and strategies, and thirdly, do it. As the first two steps can ONLY be done by you, and only you will be able to belive yourself and set your own goal, we can not help you do anything. We can and will only help you in choosing and teaching you the various skills and strategies.

   The above is to raise an awareness which many did not realize. Close your eyes and think about it, and read'll probably come across one or two useful stuff. The Edu-column will include:-

◊general writing tips on stories and normal essays

◊Story-making and plot composing techniques to spice up writing

◊tips on Website designing, like HTML, javascpript etc.

◊general articles on lots of areas

lP.S. since the HogwartsNet is only months old, with only one maker, making htis huge site of more than 1,050,000 words of programs totally, the provided contents may be rather narrow, and you may find only a few things on a few topics here. But don't worry, as it will develop quickly, and be like a fruit laden tree in no time! Don't forget to visit again soon!




general writing tips on stories and normal essays

Start with READING. All good writers start as bookworms, JKR's no exeption.

Try to be creative and add things which readers really want to read.

Write grippingly. eg use 'Robert' instead of 'my dog', 'we ate dinner' to 'we dined out at the Grand restaurant where we savoured the best seafood we had ever eaten' etc

use larger words eg. brilliant, marvellous, magnificent instead of 'nice'; sped, raced, marched, stormed instead of 'walked'; munch, gobble, swallow instead of 'eat'; smack, wrestle, box instead of 'hit' etc. Use a THESAURUS!

don't always 'I', 'but', 'then' etc

whilst describing, always answer the What, where, when, who, and how questions

These are the basics. they will be updated with more and more advanced tips shortly. In the meantime, digest these first. tips made by me, and Mr. Phillip Knaggs, english teacher.




Story-making and plot composing techniques to spice up writing


From the WIKIHOW org. ( and Wikipedia org. (

# Brainstorm story ideas. The story is perhaps the most important aspect of a good book. Consult some of your favorite books (children's or not) for examples, but try to be original. Choose a story that fits your interests and talents, such as action, fantasy, or mystery. Smaller children enjoy stories with a play on words or a repeated phrase like, "No, no fat cat. Scat! Scat! Scat!"
# Develop your characters. In order to have a good story, you need some interesting characters. Who is the main character of the story? Is there more than one? Are the characters human, animal or fantasy, or do they include elements of all three? Before you begin, it is best to make an outline of the characters and how they fit into the story.
# Make a story outline. Use note cards, draw it in picture form, or write a standard outline. The important thing is to have a general understanding of the beginning, middle and end of the story, and of how the characters will interact and evolve. A good story usually has some sort of conflict or obstacle that the main character has to resolve, after which everyone lives "happily ever after". Here's the breakdown:

* Introduce your characters with descriptions of physical and personality traits, their surroundings, and those with whom they come in contact.
* Create a problem/conflict. This could be between two people, an internal conflict, or one in which the main character overcomes an obstacle in the outside world.
* Write the climax of the story, which will include the main character(s) coming face to face with the conflict.
* Show how your character(s) resolves the problem, and what happens next.



fantasy tale


1. Write the title of your story at the top of your page. Develop a plan of characters and plot for your story. Make your characters complicated, make them real and let them have a personality and a life. Think of fantasy stories you have already read and what you liked about these. Don't copy but you can get ideas from these.
2. Move from the real world into the fantasy world. For the best fantasy story, have your characters start in the real world, as real people and then shift them into the fantasy world in some way. This helps readers to identify better with the main characters. Think Harry Potter!
3. However, the above step isn't necessary. Many classic works of fantasy, such as Lord of the Rings or the Arthurian myth, take place entirely in your fantasy world. Others take place entirely in our world, which is called urban fantasy.
4. Add things such as talking animals, dragons or even dinosaurs, along with magic. You can make up your own magical species, or use ones borrowed from folklore, or even not have any at all. The same goes for magic.
5. Try to do your best at writing. Maybe start with a short story first and then flesh out your character later when you have a better feel for the style of writing and the character's traits.
6. Create a checklist to work from:
* If you're going to transport characters from our world, have you made it clear how the characters get into the fantasy world? Is it believable enough(for a fiction story anyway!)?
* Are your fantasy characters identifiable, well-described and interesting?
* Do you have a moral to tell or just a fantasy battle of good versus evil? If you have a moral, is it preachy and obvious or subtle? If you have a good versus evil battle, does the evil have good traits and the good evil?


* Castles and forts are a cool thing to have in a fantasy story. However, you don't have to have them if you don't want to. You can set your fantasy story in caves, in a modern suburban house or in space. It's all up to you.
* If you make you character complicated don't write 7 pages on them. Just give important things and work the rest into the story in different places.
* Making a character is like making an imaginary friend: make sure that it is believable that the person is real. Become the person and write down what you think they might say and do.
* Think of catch phrases for your main character(s) but not too many and don't give one to all your characters. These can really help with characterization.
* Think of cool names for your characters. However, make sure that the names aren't ridiculous like Krysta'lly'ne.
* Dilemma ideas: princess gets kidnapped, crown jewels stolen, king's parrot escaped or even the Prince's newt got flushed down the toilet by a monkey. - Hey its your story!
* If you're having a hard time coming up with an idea, borrow one from Shakespeare or another classic writer, although please not Tolkien. We have enough ripoffs of him already.

# Pick your story ideas based upon what you know (even if just a little bit - see number 2). If you know your starting subject then it's easier to branch details from it, and it's so much easier to write about.
# Research subjects that you are familiar with but aren't quite experienced with For example, let's take surfing. Most people know what surfing is, they've seen it on TV or in reality, but they don't know how to do it. So, if you have a surfer character in your story, research it. Research the moves, the techniques; interview a surfer about the experience. Yada yada.
# Decide what audience you are writing for, it could be, children, teens, or even adults. Once you've established those two factors, you will have a better idea of what to write about.
# Get inspirations in your everyday life. For example if you want to write a children's book, observe children. See how they act, see the world through their eyes, and then write about something that fascinates them. Listen to the news maybe your brain can conjure up a story just waiting to be written. Everyday life can be an inspiration.

These are the basics. they will be updated with more and more advanced tips shortly. In the meantime, digest these first.




tips on Website designing, like HTML, javascpript etc.

Excerpted from , one of my teacher sites.


the basic HTML Tags


What Happens

<A HREF="">Visit Our Site</A> Visit Our Site
<B>Example</B> Example
<BIG>Example</BIG> Example
<BODY>The content of your page</BODY> Contents of your webpage
The contents of your page<BR>The contents of your page The contents of your page
The contents of your page
<CENTER>This will center your contents</CENTER>

This will center your contents

<DT>Definition Term
<DD>Definition of the term
<DT>Definition Term
<DD>Definition of the term
Definition Term
Definition of the term
Definition Term
Definition of the term
<DT>Definition Term
<DD>Definition of the term
<DT>Definition Term
<DD>Definition of the term
Definition Term
Definition of the term
Definition Term
Definition of the term
This is an <EM>Example</EM> of using the emphasis tag This is an Example of using the emphasis tag
<EMBED src="yourfile.mid" width="100%" height="60" align="center">
<FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE="4">Example</FONT> Example
<FORM action="">
Name: <INPUT name="Name" value="" size="10"><BR>
Email: <INPUT name="Email" value="" size="10"><BR>
<CENTER><INPUT type="submit"></CENTER>
<H1>Heading 1 Example</H1>

Heading 1 Example

<H2>Heading 2 Example</H2>

Heading 2 Example

<H3>Heading 3 Example</H3>

Heading 3 Example

<H4>Heading 4 Example</H4>

Heading 4 Example

<H5>Heading 5 Example</H5>
Heading 5 Example
<H6>Heading 6 Example</H6>
Heading 6 Example
<HEAD>Contains elements describing the document</HEAD> Nothing will show
<HR WIDTH="75%" COLOR="#FF0000" SIZE="4"> Contents of your webpage

Contents of your webpage
<HTML><HEAD><META><TITLE>Title of your webpage</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>Webpage contents</BODY></HTML> Contents of your webpage
<IMG SRC="Earth.gif" WIDTH="41" HEIGHT="41" BORDER="0" ALT="a sentence about your site"> a sentence about your site (Tip)
Example 1:

<FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi">
<INPUT type="text" size="10" maxlength="30">
<INPUT type="Submit" VALUE="Submit">
Example 1: (Tip)

Example 6:

<FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi">
Select an option:<BR>
<INPUT type="radio" name="option"> Option 1
<INPUT type="radio" name="option" CHECKED> Option 2
<INPUT type="radio" name="option"> Option 3
Select an option:<BR>
<INPUT type="checkbox" name="selection"> Selection 1
<INPUT type="checkbox" name="selection" CHECKED> Selection 2
<INPUT type="checkbox" name="selection"> Selection 3
<INPUT type="Submit" VALUE="Submit">
Example 6: (Tip)

Select an option:
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3

Select an option:
Selection 1
Selection 2
Selection 3
Example 1:

<LI type="disc">List item 1
<LI type="circle">List item 2
<LI type="square">List item 3

Example 2:

<OL type="i">
<LI>List item 1
<LI>List item 2
<LI>List item 3
<LI>List item 4
Example 1: (Tip)
  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Example 2:

  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. List item 3
  4. List item 4
Visit our <A HREF="">site</A> Visit our site
<MARQUEE bgcolor="#CCCCCC" loop="-1" scrollamount="2" width="100%">Example Marquee</MARQUEE> Example Marquee(Tip)
Example 1:

<LI>List item 1
<LI>List item 2
<LI>List item 3
<LI>List item 4

Example 2:

<OL type="a">
<LI>List item 1
<LI>List item 2
<LI>List item 3
<LI>List item 4

Example 1:
  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. List item 3
  4. List item 4

Example 2:

  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. List item 3
  4. List item 4
<FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi">
Select an option:
<OPTION>option 1
<OPTION>option 3
<OPTION>option 4
<OPTION>option 5
<OPTION>option 6
Select an option: (Tip)

This is an example displaying the use of the paragraph tag. <P> This will create a line break and a space between lines.


Example 1:<BR>
<P align="left">
This is an example<BR>
displaying the use<BR>
of the paragraph tag.<BR>
Example 2:<BR>
<P align="right">
This is an example<BR>
displaying the use<BR>
of the paragraph tag.<BR>
Example 3:<BR>
<P align="center">
This is an example<BR>
displaying the use<BR>
of the paragraph tag.

This is an example displaying the use of the paragraph tag.

This will create a line break and a space between lines.


Example 1:

This is an example
displaying the use
of the paragraph tag.

Example 2:

This is an example
displaying the use
of the paragraph tag.

Example 3:

This is an example
displaying the use
of the paragraph tag.

<SMALL>Example</SMALL> Example (Tip)
<STRONG>Example</STRONG> Example
Example 1:

<TD>Column 1</TD>
<TD>Column 2</TD>

Example 2: (Internet Explorer)

#336699" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="2" WIDTH="100%">
<TD>Column 1</TD>
<TD>Column 2</TD>

Example 3:

#CCCCCC">Column 1</TD>
#CCCCCC">Column 2</TD>
<TD>Row 2</TD>
<TD>Row 2</TD>

Example 1: (Tip)
Column 1 Column 2

Example 2:
Column 1 Column 2

Example 3:
Column 1 Column 2
Row 2 Row 2

<TITLE>Title of your webpage</TITLE> Title of your webpage will be viewable in the title bar. (Tip)
<U>Example</U> Example

General tips


    As while you are learning driving, you should learn the manual gearshift method before learning the automatic way, similarly, in website designing, you should always use the primitive way of notepad and programming manually. Softwares should only be accessed after you are pro in it, because softwares still often need you to look in the source program, as there are oftern bugs in the software-generated programs, and that you might want to add advanced features, such as those which the software doesn;t know, eg. advanced or new javascripts. Also, ask experts about your what you don't understand, to clear your queries. you are free to e-mail me:


These are the basics. they will be updated with more and more advanced tips shortly. In the meantime, digest these first.



general articles on lots of areas


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